Return to Campus Town Hall for Graduate Students September 18

September 8, 2020

As President Fry recently announced in his message on August 27, there will be a town hall webinar for graduate students returning to campus this fall, including those who are already on campus in semester programs and/or involved in research activities, for important updates on COVID-19 health and safety protocols and campus operations.


Return to Campus Town Hall for Graduate Students
Friday, September 18, 2020
12:00 – 1:00 p.m. ET

Please click the link below to register in advance with your Drexel email address ( by 5 p.m. ET Wednesday, September 16:


Click Here to Register for the Town Hall [Qualtrics]


Those who register will receive a link to access the webinar the morning of Friday, September 18. Be sure to enter your Drexel email address correctly using format “”.


We are requesting that you submit any questions in advance here [Qualtrics] by 5 p.m. ET Wednesday, September 16 as there will not be a live question and answer session during the webinar. We will do our best to address as many of your questions as possible during the webinar. We will continue to update the FAQs section found on Drexel’s Response to Coronavirus website based on your questions.


Please note that the town hall webinar will be recorded for later viewing. Please register to receive the link to the town hall recording. The link will also be posted on the Graduate College website.


You should also consult with your college or school officials and graduate academic advisor(s) regarding any college, school, department or program-specific updates.


For the latest updates, please visit Drexel’s Response to Coronavirus website.